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  Saturday, April 30, 2005

Things I Hate About Saturdays


At 4/30/2005 2:11 PM, Blogger Mary said...

1. That it's only 24 hours long.


At 4/30/2005 6:57 PM, Blogger Ben said...

Haha. :D

At 5/01/2005 12:14 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Things I hate about Saturdays:
1) Having to work when everyone else has the day off. (Why do people have to get sick on the weekends?)
2) Having to clean the house so that people don't know how I really live.
3) Shopping when the stores and parking lots are jammed. (Why do I live in LA?)
4) If I'm really unlucky, having to go out on a first date. (Why can't I order a boyfriend from a catalogue?)
5) Feeling guilty because I allow myself to eat whatever I want on Saturdays and I always eat too much of it.
6) The Late Late Show isn't on. (How am I supposed to go to bed without Craig Ferguson?)
7) Monday (cringe) is only two days away.

At 5/01/2005 12:37 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Mary: I agree with that, but it's nice that Saturday still has Sunday coming after it. Sunday is nice, but I know the next day is Monday, like the sword of Damocles hanging over my head.

Ben: Thanks for stopping by! Hope you get selected as one of the Ultimate Bloggers.

Melissa: I like Craig Ferguson, but I miss Craig Kilborn. He was rather odd, but he did some funny bits, and he had better music. It amuses me that the host is still a Craig. They can still say, "Then catch Craig!" That poor show, they get half-second ads with just three words.

Agreed, dating can be a pain. Of course, a popular alternative is having your parents pick your mate. :) I worked with a guy from India (really nice guy) whose parents chose his wife for him. They made a nice couple.

It could be even worse. I was just reading that in Kyrgyzstan they practice something called ala kachuu (bless you!), in which the husband will kidnap a woman and make her his bride. Ala kachuu sounds almost like "I'll catch you!" but it means "grab and run". Count your blessings. ;)

At 5/01/2005 7:08 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

I don't hate Saturday. Saturday is my favorite day of the week. It's Sunday I can't stand. It's like the last day of a decent vacation. My brain has been shut off from work and has to be remotivated to survive another week.

At 5/01/2005 9:49 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Dave, I work with several nurses from India who have arranged marriages. All but one of the marriages worked, which are much better odds than here. But I think that they have lower expectations for marriage. Americans expect to be happy, while Indian women seem to be satisfied if their husbands aren't too abusive. I could never put up with a fraction of the things that they tell me their husbands say or do to them. (Women do talk and compare notes about their husbands.)

On the other hand, if I had let my parents choose my spouse, I probably would not be in the situation that I'm now in. I should have listened to my mother.

On the subject of Craig Ferguson, I'm asleep before the music segment, so I've never listened to that part of the show by either Craigs. I know that you were a vampire in a former life, but what are you doing staying up half the night when you have to go to work early the next day? Even vampires need their sleep. (Sorry about the nagging. That was the nurse in me talking.) ;)

At 5/01/2005 10:13 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Dave, who do you find more irritating? The nurse who nags you to take beter care of yourself or the lawyer who challenges your ideas? ;)

At 5/01/2005 10:36 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Watch where you point that thing. That question's loaded! ;)


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