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  Monday, May 23, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

Almost 30 years ago, my friend Bal dragged me to see a movie in Westwood that I hadn't heard anything about. It was Star Wars, just a couple days after it opened. The movie started, and it had me from the get-go. Moving music. Effective sound effects. Dazzling graphics. Humor. Droids. Jawas. Hyperspace. Cantina. Flying cars. Aliens. It had everything I could possibly want, and more. But what it really had, was heart. Luke Skywalker. He was every kid who ever looked at the stars and thought, "I want to go there!"

Sure, there was the rebellion, and the Death Star, and Darth Vader, but the real story was the coming of age of Luke Skywalker. Lucas followed the Heroes Journey, taught to him by the master himself, Joseph Campbell.

Alas, Joseph Campbell is gone, and so is the heart of Star Wars.

Revenge of the Sith is an incredible feat of moviemaking. Stunning graphics and action. Familiar music and sound effects. The nostalgia of seeing the events that led up to Luke Skywalker's story. But no heart. Great moviemaking, but not great storytelling.

Star Wars followed Luke Skywalker. You identified with him, wanted to be him, saw the universe through his eyes. Revenge of the Sith doesn't have that.

Revenge of the Sith jumps around, from the Emperor, to Anakin, to Obi-wan, to points here and there. There's no one character that I cared to identify with. Watching Anakin's fall from grace is like watching a wound fester. You know what's going to happen, and it's not pretty.

Can't Lucas afford someone who can write dialogue? Can't he find a story doctor? It didn't even have any of the great lines that the first trilogy had. I've seen Lucas eating at the mall a couple of times, and I just wanted to sit down across from him and ask, "What were you thinking?" But I never do.

Nonetheless, it's not a boring movie. It's just not a captivating movie. Not a moving movie. It has plenty of eye candy, and humor, and action, and lots of moments that make you go, "Ah ha! That's how that came about." I liked seeing Obi-wan picking up Vader's fallen light saber, knowing what its destiny was to be.

So, overall, I found it to be better than the last two movies, but not as good as the original trilogy. If you enjoyed Star Wars, though, it's worth watching to get the backstory to Star Wars. See it on the big screen.

Blog Tag: Reviews


At 5/24/2005 12:33 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

I'm sorry that the movie wasn't as good as you had hoped for. I'm planning on seeing it later this week, maybe. By the way, is George Lucas still single? I've heard that he is well off.

I loved the first trilogy, too. On our first wedding anniversary, we got up at dawn and drove to some place that we would normally never go, unless required by subpoena, and sat on the concrete for I don't remember how many hours waiting to see Return of the Jeddi. It was the first day the movie opened and we had to see it. We even delayed our trip to Hawaii for one day so that we could see the movie on the day it opened. At least we had our priorities straight.

At 5/25/2005 1:39 PM, Blogger Mary said...

We haven't seen it yet, but I have a feeling my hubby is going to have a similar response: good appreciation for the effects, a sad spot for the lack of heart.

The thing that's frustrating for us as parents is our kids (6 & 10) have seen the last 2 and the original trilogy (they are sci-fi-minded like their dad), and really want to see this one-- but the fact that it's rated PG-13 means they likely won't be seeing it for a while, at least not the youngest.

At 5/25/2005 2:04 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I can't think of anything offhand that's worse in this movie than in the others, but your mileage may vary.

My personal opinion is just that the ratings board has gotten more conservative. :)

At 5/25/2005 4:36 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Ok, good to know. Thanks for the input. :)

At 5/26/2005 11:57 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I believe that Lucas hasn't remarried since his last divorce, Melissa. Hang out at the Northgate Mall food court often enough and you'll probably run into him. :)

Let me know how you like the movie.

At 5/26/2005 11:08 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I saw the movie tonight and tempted as I was to dress in costume, I just wore jeans and a top. It was a little bit too cold to wear the gold bikini, harem girl outfit.

I found the movie to be even more disappointing then you did, Dave. Part of the problem might be that I'm not in the target audience. I'm too old and female.

There was way too much action and not nearly enough dialogue, character building, romance or just general relationship stuff. Can you tell I'm a girl? The action, as impressive as it was, needed a lot more story to go with it.

Mary, after the movie, my friend and I discussed if the movie was appropriate for young children. I would not take a child under 13 to see it. The violence was even too much for me. (But I am unusually sensitive.) My friend didn't see any problem with it. She said that kids can see that much violence on TV and video games. For whatever its worth, you now have two more opinions. (But, I think I'm right.)

Although disappointing, I do think the movie is worth seeing. It's just frustrating to know that the movie could have been so much better.

At 5/26/2005 11:19 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

You have a harem girl outfit? I know where I'm trick-or-treating! ;)

At 5/27/2005 1:39 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Sorry that you have to change your Halloween plans, Dave. I was just kidding about the costume, although I really would like one. Besides, I think that you've seen me in a bikini before. I'm just as skinny and gawky as ever. ;)


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