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  Sunday, May 01, 2005

Who Invented "Hello"?

When the telephone was invented, people didn't know what to say when they picked it up. Alexander Graham Bell proposed that people say, "Hoy hoy!", as in the naval "ahoy".

Famous inventor Thomas Edison is the one who coined the term "hello", according to this description of the invention of hello.

Blog Tag: Chatter


At 5/01/2005 1:01 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Another telephone greeting, that didn't quite catch on, was "it's your nickel." This was when phone calls cost a nickel. Imagine if that saying had become popular. Instead of hello, we might be greeting each other by saying itsyernickel. :)

At 5/01/2005 9:06 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Ah, wow, Melissa, is that you in your profile pic? You're as pretty as your words often are here. Not surprised. :)

My grandmother was really funny when she answered the phone. She used "hello", but she said it more like and exclamation. "HELLO!" You'd call her and think you just won something. LOL

I'm curious, do you guys answer your phone with "hello, [blank] residence" or something similar... or do you just use "hello"? Growing up we always said the residence name in my house because my mom was brought up that way herself. But now in my house with the technology of caller ID we often answer (depending on who's calling, of course) with "hey!" or "What?"

At 5/01/2005 10:12 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Lol, Mary. Thank you for the compliment. I would like to also say that Dave is right, you do have a lovely eye. It looks like it belongs to a covergirl. May we see the face that your lovely eye belongs to someday? If not, I certainly understand. I'm not sure how I feel about having my photo posted either.

Dave did something to the photo to make it less photo-realistic. In real life, I look older. I had the option of a photo that better displayed my laugh lines, but I'm not crazy. Of course I chose the good picture. :)

On a completely different topic, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I'm going to have some time off from work. The bad news is that I was injured tonight and my sutured hand needs time to heal. (Clumsy nurses, such as myself, should not be allowed to handle sharp objects.)

At 5/01/2005 11:56 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I think Mary looks like actress Stepfanie Kramer (a younger, prettier one). But that's just me.

I try to be careful not to be too specific about things on the internet, and I prefer photos that aren't photorealistic. A caricature or cartoon or artsy effect still conveys a general appearance without being specific enough that someone will pick you out of a crowd. Plausible deniability... that's the ticket. :)

What I did to Melissa's picture was to boost the brightness, because the original was a dim, low contrast shot, and then I posterized it, which reduces the number of colors used. It gives it a magazine cover look that I like, like an artist's rendition. I like avatars that "pop".

At work I like to answer the phone, "This is Dave." At home I answer "Hello?" unless I see it's wife or daughter, in which case it's "Hi baby" or "Hi sweetie". I don't like identifying who lives here or what the number is.

My answering machine recording say, "We're not available right now, so please leave a message at the tone." Short and sweet, like Rockford's. (I loved that show. "Leave your name and number and I'll get back to you.") See my Rockford page.

Sorry to hear about your hand, Melissa. I hope there weren't any biohazards involved and you heal quickly. Sharps bad!

At 5/02/2005 2:50 AM, Blogger mosta said...

I wonder how the telephone got invented. I tried connecting two cans together and attaching some wire to see it would work.

At 5/02/2005 3:11 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Hi, Mosta!

When I was a kid we did that trick with paper cups and string. You had to keep the string taut, with nothing else touching it. Worked fine.

At 5/02/2005 3:12 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Wow, Stepfanie Kramer?! Thanks for the comparison, Dave, but I assure you nothing about my eye or the rest of me is nearly as pretty as she! (But I AM younger, LOL) That pic of my eye was one of the first photos I took with my first digital camera 2 years ago. (Yes, I photographed myself, how vain.) I was standing in front of the oval window in our front door to get some natural light. If you look at the larger version you can see, in the reflection of my eye, the shape of my arm holding the camera over the white-oval shape of the window. For some reason I like how that turned out.

Nice work on Melissa's pic. It DOES look like a magazine cover, but I still give her most of the credit for that. ;)

Melissa, I hope your hands heals ok and that you can "stay off it" for a while.
There are plenty of photos of the rest of my face elsewhere on my blog (which I keep UN-public, but it's not completely impossible to find if you pay attention to Dave's nifty referral list).

My daughter just called from her classroom at school this morning (I'm a mentor for her class and I was waiting to hear if the teacher wanted me to come in today or not) and just for fun, after seeing the phone number and knowing it was her, I answered "It's your nickel!"
She wasn't as amused as I was. Oh, well.

At 5/02/2005 3:29 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I took the referrer's list off the main blog page. It was slow to load and it bothered me that it revealed pages that people didn't want public.

Besides, I get much better referrer information from the server logs, and only I can see those. I like seeing not only what pages linked to me, but what search terms people entered that brought them to me.

People can still find Mary's poetry page from her profile, it's just her family page with the photos that's harder to find.

Privacy seems to be an endangered species. While I was pleased to read that the government may not make our passports easy to eavesdrop on after all, it's still all too easy to find personal information with tools like or or any of the other search engines that reveal personal info.

I was playing with Zabasearch, entering in the names of friends and relatives and celebrities, and it turned out that one of the bloggers I like lives or lived just a few houses down from where I lived as a child. Small world!

At 5/02/2005 3:56 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Ahh, I thought the referrers thing was just super slow to load like it is on my site! I'm considering removing it from mine for the same reasons, btw.

Privacy. Right.

[Melissa, I'd be happy to e-mail you, if that's ok.]

At 5/02/2005 11:02 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

It's more than ok, Mary. I like getting e mail, especially from people who flatter me as much as you do. And I would like to add, for the benefit of those who have not seen Mary's photos, that Mary's face is every bit as lovely as her eye.

I would like to report that I'm having a wonderful time away from work. My injury has not effected my ability to shop one bit! The next time I want time off with pay, maybe I'll just cut myself again. (Just kidding. I love my job. Really, I do.) My laceration did not involve any biohazards other than my own blood, of which there was plenty. Blood was even dripping down my chin because the first thing I did was put my finger in my mouth. How's that for first aid? :)


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