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  Saturday, July 31, 2004

New Blog Features

Busy boy that I am, I've been adding features to this blog, mostly in the sidebars.

There's a blog search, courtesy of Atomz, which will search the entire site, or you can constrain it to just the blog by adding "title:emusings" like this: title:emusings yoursearchterm.

I've also added skin selection. Right now we have two glorious skins: Pumpkin (the orange one I've had a while now), and China, which is white on black with red borders.

You may also notice a calendar, allowing you to view my posts for a particular day, and little calendar icons in the date header above posts that will jump to the calendar.

And, and, and... a mood indicator (well, not really). Click on Mr. Chimp and you'll see what I mean.

I start my new job Monday, so this is probably the last of the new features for a while, but I'll continue to post, keeping you up to date with how work is going and anything else that strikes my fancy. Just what part of the body is the fancy, anyway?

Blog Tag: Announcements


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