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  Friday, August 13, 2004

A Sense of the Olfactory

Sometimes I share my day with you in words. Some days I share it with pictures. Today, I will share it with smells. If you know my typical daily journey, you might even recognize where I am at each smell. Here they are:

Apple cinnamon oatmeal. Peppermint toothpaste. Cattle on the wind. Car exhaust. Brine. Ferry exaust. Perfume (Obsession, I think). Humidity. Sewer gas. Urine.

Carpet. Pizza! (it's Friday).

Pavement. Sewer gas. Urine. Ferry exhaust. Fresh, clean, Marin County air. Less humidity. Auto exhaust. Fruit blossoms.

Lipstick. Hair. Catbox. Toast. Butter. Cherry Coke. Beef (mmmm, beef). Peanut butter and chocolate. Fabric softener. :void:

Blog Tag: Chatter   Smells


At 8/14/2004 10:48 AM, Blogger magz said...

that was cool dave! for a visual/audial kinda guy, it was veryvery astute, and nicely done! somehow ya missed passin colonel buckets place tho...brk-brk-brk-brrrrrrrrrrk


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