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  Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Gilligan's Friends

So I heard an advert today for that Gilligan's Island reality show that's on, which I haven't seen even once. But it got me to thinking.

I used to love Gilligan's Island. The original one, I mean. I loved the mix of characters. You've got the Professor, the science type, who I identified with a lot. (Yes, I've always been a geek.) Then of course there's Gilligan, the goof. Sexy Ginger and girl-next-door Mary Ann. The Skipper, your authoritarian figure, and then the daffy rich couple, the Howells. Did I even need to do that? :shrug: Some of you may not have seen it.

So I was driving along, listening to this ad on the radio, remembering what the chemistry of the characters was and thinking about storytelling, and then I thought about the TV show Friends.

Now I know you've seen that one. You've got Ross, the science type, who I identify with a lot. Then of course there's Joey, the goof. Sexy Rachel and girl-next-door Monica. Okay, so Chandler isn't that rich or daffy, and Phoebe is hard to classify, but the chemistry is really close to Gilligan's Island.

I'm Ross and the Professor. Which character are you?

Blog Tag: Chatter


At 12/21/2004 5:57 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

P.S. There's one degree of separation between me and Ginger. I used to work for a guy who used to be married to Tina Louise, the actress that played her. Is that one degree or two? One to the actress and two to her character? I dunno. The same guy won a Grammy for the recording Desiderata.


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