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  Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Lowering the Bar

Have you ever noticed, at the beginning of many animated movies like The Incredibles, that the movie starts with a low-quality sequence? Then the sequence ends and you admire the high quality of the animation that follows. They've lowered your expectations so that when they present the real thing it doesn't seem worse than real life, it seems better than the cruddy animation they started you on.

Unless you're hiding in a cave with Osama bin Laden, you probably know by now that the new Star Wars movie will be opening May 19, and the Revenge of the Sith trailer is available on the web. I almost wonder if the reason that the last two installments of the Star Wars series had a higher suck factor is to lower your expectations for the upcoming finale. Only someone like George Lucas could get away with something like that...


Blog Tag: Chatter


At 3/31/2005 12:46 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

In an article on Gizmodo Tivo's testing of popup ads during fast-forward are described, with the complaint that the ads are really big. The author ponders if maybe it's a ploy, that maybe Tivo will release the feature with a smaller ad and people will be happy that it's smaller, instead of unhappy that it's there at all.


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