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  Saturday, April 01, 2006

Green Beans

I'm not fond of green beans. Had them when I was a kid. They served them in the school cafeteria, my mom served them from a can.

Then I grew up, and I stopped eating green beans. It's not so much that I avoided them, it's just that restaurants in California don't often serve them. Fine by me!

Recently, that seems to have changed. I've been served green beans with my meal at least three times in the past month or two. Times have changed, I thought to myself. When did it become haute cuisine to serve green beans again? Are all these restaurants reading the same serving suggestion magazines?

Then it occurred to me: maybe it's not the times, maybe it's the place. Maybe green beans are popular in Central Oregon, maybe they always have been. Funny how I assumed that things are the same here as they were in California. You'd think that the great Pepsi debacle would have thrust that home in my consciousness. Things are different here.

I still don't like green beans.

Blog Tag: Chatter


At 4/01/2006 1:15 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

For a special treat, if I'm craving something salty, I'll open a can of green beans and eat them straight from the can. I love them that way. It's like a healthy french fry.

Frozen green beans, I detest. They're too rubbery. Fresh ones are good if they're topped with almonds or mushrooms cooked in butter.

At 4/01/2006 4:33 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I prefer most vegetables fresh, not from a can. I like eating asparagus or sugar snap peas as a snack.

At 4/04/2006 1:07 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Mmmmm fresh green beans with crispy bacon chips and toasted almonds..yummy.
Eck, i eat nothing from a can.

At 4/05/2006 12:32 AM, Blogger Mary said...

Love me some fresh green beans. Add sauted mushrooms and onions and I'm in heaven.

Melissa, if you stir-fry the quick-frozen green beans from Trader Joe's they are really really good. Not rubbery, I promise. They are the only non-rubbery frozen green beans I've ever had.

I eat sugar snap peas like vegetarian candy, Dave. They are so yummy and sweet.

At 4/06/2006 8:16 PM, Blogger Shari said...

I agree with Mary . . . TJ's flash frozen veggies are the best. They taste like you just picked them from the garden. :-)


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