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  Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's Raining

"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain." - Mark Twain

If banks are so short of money, why aren't they raising the interest rate to encourage customers to add more to savings? Isn't our money worth more to them now? What happened to supply and demand? What happened to the principles of free trade?

I truly believe we're currently in a state of war. Not with China, not with Russia, not with Al Qaeda. We're at war with the soul-less corporations that care more about their balance sheet than they do about our country, about people, about right and wrong. The people who are supposed to protect us from that, our government and representatives, have betrayed the country and taken sides with the enemy.

I hate sounding like the conspiracy nuts I've looked at with disdain my whole life.

Posted by Dave    Blog Tag: Opinion


At 10/11/2008 9:55 AM, Blogger Duncan McGeary said...

Yeah, I feel like if I really said what I thought, I'd be lumped in with the nutcases, the guys with the "END IS NIGH" signs.

Whereas I just see it as cold logic, hard experience, and well honed intuition.....

At 10/11/2008 10:21 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I guess I started off life as an idealist, naively believing all the things I was taught in school about our country having a great democracy with checks and balances. I never wanted to hear or believe the people with dark views of our system. I always figured they were crazies or malcontents, and in most cases they may have been, but that doesn't mean they all were.

Over the years I've grown more cynical and I've come to believe many of the things I would have rejected when I was younger. It really is possible for a president to assume powers he shouldn't have, and to totally violate the constitution and the Bill of Rights that I was taught were inviolable. What I've read in the papers seems treasonous to me, yet nothing seems to be done about it.

The worst part is that I don't see what can be done about it. I don't believe that carrying an "END IS NIGH" sign :) has any effect, other than to paint the bearer as a whack job. The other worst part ;) is that it's our own damn fault. If we all stood up against the corporations and the un-American activities of our government, we could vote out of office any politico who acted out of greed rather than the good of the country. But we don't.


At 10/11/2008 10:22 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

I personally like the idea of higher interest rates. I would rather save up to buy something than buy it on credit.

At 10/11/2008 10:24 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Maybe that's what they're afraid of. If they raised interest rates, we'd save our money rather than go out and spend it now, which greases the skids of the economy.

At 10/12/2008 1:50 PM, Blogger The Real Mother Hen said...

The main principle of free trade is to reward only the greed, so you have the US which is 10 trillions in debt to some of the most controlled nations and still think it's a wealthy nation.

It's a very strange thought.


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