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  Friday, September 17, 2004

Friday eMusings

I like to people-watch. This morning, sitting on the Muni train, I was amused by an rider who was a contrast in stereotypes. He was a young guy, wearing baggy jeans and a dark grey sweatshirt with the hood up, shrouding his head. He was listening to a CD in his headphones, and there was a skull and crossbones on his sweatshirt. And he was carrying golf clubs. :)

This evening, waiting on the platform for the Muni to arrive, I saw a gentleman with a seeing-eye dog who didn't seem sure of where he wanted to be. I offered to help, and directed him to the side of the platform he wanted. His dog was a beautiful yellow lab named Genoa, and the guy was a good looking middle-aged man. Think Mayor Riordan of Los Angeles. I chatted with him a while, and it turns out he lives on a boat and teaches sailing to kids. What a guy!

I've mentioned in the past the smells I encounter in the city from people who don't bother to find a urinal. Pictured above is one of the toilets the city has erected to help relieve this problem by giving the homeless a place to go. It's a pay toilet.

Also pictured is a talented musician playing a one-stringed instrument with a bow, like a violin. Maybe some day I'll snap a shot of the xylophone/accordion playing duo.

Blog Tag: Images   Blog Tag: San Francisco


At 9/18/2004 7:18 AM, Blogger magz said...

I stand (well, sit) in awe of our Master Programmer, Head Oddity Honcho, and Curator of Collectables.... DKGoodman.
Muchos gracias Dave, for the Deteriorata poem! Many times the original is seen.... but rarely this priceless obscurity! I printed a copy to hang over MY desk... for it never fails to amuse me. YOU... are the Hairy Thunderer today!

At 9/18/2004 7:26 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Let me get this straight. Homeless people are going to use pay potties? Are they furnished with quarters (the homeless people)? How much is the potty and does it include handsoap and toilet paper? Air freshener, perhaps?

At 9/18/2004 10:20 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

What the mighty Magz mentions is a comment I left on her blog with a link to my Desiderata and Deteriorata page, which has the two poems she was referring to in a recent post.

No Alittering!

At 9/18/2004 2:34 PM, Blogger gemmak said...

Seems a little odd to me too Lisa...the homeless are required to pay to use the 'convenience'???....yeah, that's gonna work!


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