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  Saturday, October 18, 2008

That's Class

My mother admired people "with class". She never really defined for me what that meant, but she was always pointing out when someone did something that had class (or not). Over time, I came to know what she meant by it:


Class is showing respect for others, regardless of their status or appearance.

Class is not acting superior to others who aren't as well-off or well educated or otherwise not at the same level as you. But, more than that, class is not feeling superior to anyone else.

Class is always being polite.

Class is not insisting that you're right. Even when you are. Especially when you are.

Class is being generous.

Class is not lashing out at someone who has hurt you or disrespected you. Class is not sinking to someone else's level.

Class is being careful not to hurt other people's feelings.

Class is good sportsmanship. Class is treating even your enemies and opponents with respect.

Class is respecting a difference of opinion.

Class is objecting to what someone does, not the person doing it.

Class is seeing the difference between a country's government and its people. You can like the people even if you don't like the government.

Class is sacrificing your own needs for the needs of others.

Class is looking your best and doing your best, especially when you don't want to.

Class is making others look good, especially at your own expense.

Class is not about status. Anyone can have class.

Class is being a gentleman, or a lady.

As I think about it, class seems to boil down to a few basic elements: wisdom, selflessness, generosity and respect. It's a lack of ego and a sense of equality, that others are like you, just playing a different deck of cards.

Class seems to be less valued now than it used to be. We have too many celebrities being vulgar and crass and not showing class. Too many politicians and actors and rock stars and sports stars too full of themselves, too sensitive to status and too quick to lash out or go negative, and too many people following their example.

It's also probably not showing much class to talk about what's class and what's not.

Posted by Dave    Blog Tag: Opinion


At 10/18/2008 3:37 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Check this out: Sadness is...

At 10/20/2008 8:26 AM, Blogger monkeyinabox said...

Nice post, and would I dare say that it is very timely with plenty of differences of opinion via political candidates and issues? ;)

At 10/20/2008 9:34 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Heh. I'm thinking of changing my middle name to Hussein. You'd think politicians would be above using a person's name as an attack, but it's like watching a schoolyard bully.

Okay, maybe it's not such a surprise. But I could never be a politician. :)


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