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  Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Scared of Success

At times in my career I've been a manager. I prefer programming to management, but I've found that management skills come in handy in real life as well as at work. Selling a home and buying one are both big projects, and being able to foresee the requirements, anticipate contingencies, schedule tasks and track progress has come in very handy.

One of the things I learned as a manager is that things go wrong. Plans never survive first contact with the enemy. And the closer you get to your goal, the greater the odds that you're going to fall on your face. Time and time again I've seen people relax when they were almost to the finish line, and that's when things went sideways. That's why the closer I get to reaching a goal, the closer I pay attention to all the details. People say, "What are you worried about? Everything's going great!" That scares me even more.

The forces of chaos are strong. There's a balance to the universe, and when things get too orderly, entropy rears its unpredictable head and throws a wrench in the works. I expect that now. I try to plan for it. I think I'm even comforted by it. Things are going smoothly in my life right now. There's a lot to do, and I've been incredibly busy keeping all the balls in the air, but the scary thing is... I've been keeping all the balls in the air. It's scaring me. I feel like I'm building up some kind of karma debt, and the universe is going to get me for allowing everything to go right.

Tomorrow escrow closes on the new house. I'm driving up to get the keys and install an alarm system and webcams. I just know chaos is rubbing its hands together and cackling. I'll let you know who wins.

Blog Tag: Chatter


At 12/15/2005 12:57 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

If escrow closes tomorrow, it sounds like you're out of the woods. But, I guess that's just one ball out of many. When juggling balls, I find that even if one gets dropped, I can just pick it up and continue juggling. Perfection is rarely expected.

Why do you need an alarm system and webcams?

At 12/15/2005 4:51 AM, Blogger gemmak said...

Er....a little positive thought maybe! heh. ;o)

At 12/15/2005 12:35 PM, Blogger Candace said...

While you're at it, you might want to find out if your water pipes are protected from freezing (if that's required).

Yes, Dave, better to be proactive than reactive, especially nuclear reactive.

Have a safe and relaxing drive. :)

At 12/15/2005 10:14 PM, Blogger Shari said...

Dave, I know how you feel! Our escrow closes on January 6th and so far everything has gone smoothly. But I'm worried that something will go wrong. We'll just deal with with everything as it comes!

BTW, my hubby has done programming and management too and feels much like you do. He prefers programming but finds management valuable too. He's currently a Business Analyst/Development Manager. It's an interesting profession, that's for sure.

At 12/15/2005 11:08 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Alarm system because we've had a fire, and an overflowing washing machine, and in the future if things like that happen, I want the house to tell me. And when I'm away on business, Connie will have something more than the cats with which to scare away burglars. We don't have three big dogs. :)

Webcams because when we're away we like to check the cats. We call them and they come to investigate, and we can see that they're okay.

You're right, gemmak, I should be more positive.

I'm positive something's gonna go wrong! ;)

You're right, Candace. We need to keep the temperature over 55 in the house to keep the pipes from freezing, and leave the cabinet doors to the sink open so the heat can get under there.

You're a lucky woman, Shari. ;)

The good news is... we closed escrow today, and I made it here safely. Tomorrow I'll see if I can post a photo or two.

At 12/17/2005 5:02 PM, Blogger Candace said...

There are alarm systems for washing machines?

At 12/17/2005 11:31 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

There are sensors for my alarm system that detect flooding. :)

At 12/19/2005 2:44 AM, Blogger Shari said...

Did you have an overflowing washing machine on the second level? That's my nightmare. Our last house and our next house have the laundry room on the second floor, and I worry about flooding. We have a plastic pan that the washing machine sits in, so that should help, but I would think it may overflow that too.

Webcams for your cats? OMG, I HAVE to do this!! One of our 3 cats is diabetic, and I always feel uneasy leaving her. I thought of videocams, but I figured we'd only see them randomly. But if I can CALL them to the webcam . . . Dave, that's amazing! I never thought of that! So do you have the webcam by your computer or in other parts of the house too? And you just leave it on the whole time your gone and then use a laptop from where you are? Is there special software that you use? I'm so excited about this idea!

At 12/19/2005 11:55 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Our house is single level. I shudder to think about a leak like that on the second floor.

I just used cheapie webcams, one attached to my desktop in my home office, one attached to my daughter's computer. Most webcams come with software that allows you to "broadcast" over the web or post images to a web server. The tricky part was being able to send my voice to my home computer so I could call the cats. (And they don't always come when you call. Durn cats.) I use VNC, one of those programs that let you control your computer remotely, to launch NetMeeting or other video-conferencing application (like MS Portrait or Skype video, etc.).

At 12/23/2005 9:20 PM, Blogger Shari said...

Thanks Dave! I'll have to set it all up and give it a try!


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