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  Monday, February 05, 2007

Goodman Great Idea #1

Nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered,
and nothing secret that will not become known.
- Luke 12:2

Isn't it wonderful the way things you never imagined come to light? After so many decades, I suddenly realize that Uncle Richard wasn't my uncle. No big deal, but it's just so odd how little things like that stay hidden so long.

I was talking to my dad tonight, who revels in relating odd bits of history and trivia and jokes. I love that. He asks me tonight what Christopher Columbus went in search of. "Spices and the East Indies," I replied. Yes, he said, that's what he was taught in school too, but he read that Columbus was also tasked with finding a source of opium for Spain. Who knew?

Another little snippet of reality that has escaped my experience is the art of Latte Art. Evidently some coffee houses have baristas who leave a bit of art in your cup, like our local chain Bellatazza.

Our daughter Debbie, who's now 20, has a different vocabulary than those of my generation. To Debbie, a thong is minimalist underwear, not minimalist footwear. To Debbie, a coffee shop is a place you go for coffee, not a Denny's.

Anyway, back to the latte art. All my life I've invented things in my head. I've had so many great ideas, and never had the resources or time to pursue them. Like the Star Trek simulator I came up with in the early seventies. It's just like the Star Trek Experience thing in Las Vegas. So many of my ideas eventually became reality from someone else. I'm tired of that. So I'm going to share one of my ideas with you.

Not every barista has art talent. Not every barista has the time to make a cute swirly tree in your latte, especially with 15 people behind you wanting their own double-tall, no-caf, hold the foam. So, if I didn't have a full-time job and a loving wife, I'd probably pursue an idea I had to market to coffee shops (coffee houses!)... The latte stencil. It would be a set of round disks with decorative stencils cut into them. You'd choose one, drop it into the latte cup, hit it with a puff of ground mocha or cinnamon, and BAM!, instant art. Then just lift the stencil out by the little tab at its side.

If you take this idea and run with it, I wouldn't mind a cut of the profits. Or at least name it after me!

Posted by Dave    Blog Tag: Ideas


At 2/06/2007 5:18 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

What you need to develop is a hollow deck from The Next Generation. Although, if such a thing existed, I'm not sure that I would ever come out.


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