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  Thursday, April 26, 2007

Homeopathic Propel

I'm a MWM who enjoys food, music, movies and long walks on the beach. Okay, it doesn't have to be a beach. Long walks in the forest. Long walks at night. Or even long walks in the neighborhood.

The wife and I take frequent hour-long walks. Melissa's fine nursing notwithstanding, I don't want to ever be admitted to a hospital, so I try to eat healthy (most of the time) and get some regular exercise. It doesn't hurt that we live in a great area for walks, with lots of trees and birds and friendly folk.

Connie always brings a bottle of water on our walks. Usually it's tap water, which tastes better than most bottled water. It comes from the Deschutes River which flows right by our house. On one of our recent walks I took a swig of the water, and was surprised to find it wasn't tap water. It was berry-flavored Propel Fitness Water.

Most of the time Connie drinks crap dietetic drinks, which leave a foul taste in my mouth. The Propel tasted good, though! "What's the sweetener in that?" I asked. "It tastes good!"

She read the label and gasped. Connie reads labels whenever she purchases stuff, so I'm surprised she hadn't read the Propel ingredients. "It's sucrose!" she said. Cool, I thought, it's real sugar.

"It was a fitness drink, so I assumed the ingredients were good," she explained. They are!, I said.

Today we went for another walk. At a neighbor's house, their dachsund Peanut barked his head off at us, like a dachsund might actually scare us, and I repeatedly threw a soggy tennis ball for their golden retriever Daisy.

Connie handed me the bottle of Propel and I took a swig. I grimaced and handed it back to her.

"It's not as sweet as I remember," I told her. "The flavor is rather weak, too." She chuckled. She'd refilled the bottle with water.

"Homeopathic remedies" have active ingredients that have been so diluted they may as well not be included. To my mind, they're voodoo. A placebo for people who believe in their efficacy. It irritates me they sell homeopathic remedies at the drug store (like anti-snore nostrums) as if they had real drugs. You often have to look closely to discover that they aren't full strength scientifically tested medicines, they're just expensive water with trace elements (supposedly) of an active ingredient.

I teased Connie that she'd given me homeopathic Propel. I'd have preferred the real thing.

Posted by Dave    Blog Tag: Chatter


At 4/26/2007 8:34 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I'm with Connie on this one. I only drink sugar-free drinks. Calories are much too precious to waste on drinks, unless they contain alcohol. :)

At 4/27/2007 4:11 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Annette and I are avid walkers as well. She works three miles from the house down a long long hill. She calls me when she leaves the office at the end of the day. I leave the house at the same time and meet her half way and then walk home with her. It's a good daily workout. The beer tastes really good when we get home.

At 4/27/2007 6:35 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Connie likes to spend her calories on wine and chocolate. :)

Why wait, Alan? You could drink your beer on the way to meet her, and bring one for Annette as well! ;)

At 4/28/2007 9:23 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Good idea Dave, but they got this darned open container law around these parts.


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