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  Saturday, May 19, 2007

Your Tax Dollars At Waste

From the eMusings mailbag comes an article about Panama Toothpaste Poisoned by Chinese Ingredients (thanks, C!). Yet another example of the lax control exhibited by Chinese export regulators. We need a strong American agency to ensure that our food imports are healthy and uncorrupted, but our federal agencies appear to practice a "catch and release" program that simply returns offending products to China in the rare occasions that they're detected at all, rather than imposing strong sanctions on China.

If the FDA can't promise that our food is safe, and FEMA can't promise effective disaster management, and Osama Bin Laden is still free while our freedoms are being eroded, what exactly are our taxes paying for? The current administration doesn't seem to want to exert any authority over defective or fraudulent imports, disaster management, wayward attorney generals or inethical world bank presidents. It would instead, it seems, prefer voluntary compliance by business. I'll be satisfied with voluntary compliance by business and industry when payment of income tax relies on voluntary compliance.

Posted by Dave    Blog Tag: Opinion


At 5/21/2007 5:24 PM, Blogger Candace said...

Dave says: "...our federal agencies appear to practice a "catch and release" program that simply returns offending products to China in the rare occasions that they're detected at all, rather than imposing strong sanctions on China."

Well, Dave, this article (via NN) from yesterday's (05/20/2007) Washington Post, Tainted Chinese Imports Common
In Four Months, FDA Refused 298 Shipments
, is certain to interest you along with anyone else who is following this particular thread.


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