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  Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Stop the Insanity

According to this article at Wired News, the U.S. Government plans to refer to RFID chips as "proximity chips" or "contactless chips".

It's distressing enough that the government will be putting these chips in our passports, with our personal data, and not even bothering to encrypt them. Some are even calling the new passports a beacon for terrorists, terrorists who would be able to identify Americans by their passport RFID chips without the passports even being visible. It's also distressing that the government is attempting to deceive us.

To put its citizens at ease, the government, recognizing the invasion of privacy issues regarding RFID chips, will instead refer to those chips by other names, calling them "contactless chips" or other terms. Does this doublespeak remind you of anything? War is Peace. Love is Hate. Congress equals Progress.

I'm not sure which is worse: our government doing this to us... or our letting them.

Blog Tag: News   Blog Tag: Opinion


At 3/30/2005 12:44 AM, Anonymous Melissa said...

For some time now, I have had the feeling that I am being watched. Almost every store has cameras. Costco tracks my purchases and knows what I'm eating this week and what books I am currently reading. They have several years worth of this information.TiVo knows what shows I like. My bank knows where I shop and Chevron knows where I've been. My employer films me everyday walking through the corridors. I'm trying not to be too paranoid, but I have to admit that I have spent a good amount of time looking for hidden cameras at work. This started after a nearby hospital was caught with a camera hidden inside of a clock in the nurse's breakroom. My medical records are just a "click" away from being seen by my employer and co-workers. Sure, it's illegal, but how would I know?
Being watched by private industry is annoying, but when it's the government watching, my anxiety level goes up a notch. Reading about the new security devices for passports, whatever they are called, made me feel uneasy. Being hated by so many people around the world, I'm also not sure that we should make it easier for terrorists to spot the Americans in a crowd. When traveling abroad, it would be almost like wearing a target on our backs. What will be next, bar scans on our foreheads or micro-chips implanted in us at birth? Security is important, especially these days, but there must be a better way to secure our borders. I also have forgotten how "1984" ended, but I'm pretty sure that it has an unhappy ending.

At 3/31/2005 8:53 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Another interesting article was just published by Wired here.


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