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  Thursday, April 07, 2005

Isn't That Sweet?

I have really bad eyes. Without my contact lenses I'm pretty much blind. I've been like this since I was a kid. I've compensated for that with really good hearing and a good sense of smell. And at night, I often walk around without turning on any lights. Practicing to be blind, I guess.

Do you ever do that? Wander around in the dark? I did that tonight. Went to the medicine cabinet for some antihistamine, found the bottle by sense of touch, popped it in my mouth and washed it down. Turns out it wasn't antihistamine.

It was a sweetener tablet for coffee. Now yellowjackets keep following me around.

Okay, I'm kidding. It was sweetener, but it didn't feel right so I didn't take it. It was close, though...

Blog Tag: Chatter


At 4/08/2005 5:22 PM, Blogger Mary said...


Ok, now I feel better about the silly thing I did today.

At 4/08/2005 5:56 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Dude... Be careful with that. You could end up taking something you don't really want to. Goofy!

At 4/09/2005 12:37 AM, Anonymous Melissa said...

I'm nearly blind without my contacts, too. What's really awful is that now I also need reading glasses. So, I always have a pair of glasses perched on top of my head. I try to think of it as a head band to hold my hair back. (I'm still in denial that I'm getting old.) I have not compensated for my bad eyes with a good sense of smell, for which I'm grateful. As a nurse, I really don't want to smell the things that I have to look at and touch.

I wander around in the dark, too. At work I usually wander around in the dark in the patient's rooms. Once the patient's are asleep, the last thing I want to do is wake them up. (Sleeping patients are much easier to care for than awake, cranky ones.) I do have a tendency to trip over cords and equipment and sometimes drop things, but if I turn on the lights, then the patients will wake up. I do prepare their medications at the brightly lit nursing station. My patients don't get sugar pills unless that is what I intend to give them. :)

At home I wander around in the dark too, mainly because I don't want the neighbors to see me naked. I keep the blinds open because the dogs like to see out. I also don't wear much to bed, maybe just a neclace. So, if I want to get up during the night, I have to keep the lights off. I keep my home pharmacy in order, so that I can find meds in the dark. But, even if I make a mistake, it doesn't really matter. Everything I have causes drowsiness. I'll be asleep in no time, which is what I really want in the middle of the night.

On a side note, but still on the topic of eyes, whose eyes are those that sometimes dart around on your home page?

At 4/09/2005 10:36 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I think there are at least three different images on the home page with eyes. One is a single eye that looks around, which I think is Asian. Another has a pair of eyes from an elfin girl, and she likes to blink when you're not looking (I really like that one). The third is the cartoon portrait of me against a cloudy background, and the eyes follow the mouse around. Those are my eyes, the others aren't. Most of the animated images (except for my portrait) are things I found in clip-art libraries or drew myself.

You wear more to bed than I do, Melissa. :)

I think if I were tip-toeing around a patient's room in the dark, I'd use one of those little LED flashlights to softly light my path. I hate to think of the things you could step on.

At 4/09/2005 3:32 PM, Anonymous Claude said...

I love your story and it gave me a good laugh.
My eyesight is excellent, but if I get up during the night, let's say to powder my nose ;) and turn the light on, I won't be able to fall asleep again. So most of the time, I just feel my way to the bathroom without any problem. But recently, I found I had left the bathoom door open, of course, I didn't see it and rashly bumped my nose into it. Guess if that woke me up for good or not ;) Anyway, that hurt like hell!
But I am an obstinate woman, I still don't turn the light on.

But as


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