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  Saturday, April 02, 2005

There are Two Kinds of People...

There are two kinds of people; those who categorize people into groups, and those who don't.

I'm one of the latter; I love systems that offer a way to understand someone by assigning a category to them, often by means of a personality test. In fact, I like just about any system of categorization (except astrology), and it both frustrates and amuses me when an item defies categorization. For the record, I worked in libraries for many years when I was younger.

In a recent study, the National Restaurant Association (yes, the NRA, I wonder how they feel about that acronym), determined that restaurant goers could be divided into one of four broad categories (from Let's Talk Business):

  • Adventurous diners are consumers who are most enthusiastic about trying new types of foods and ingredients. They are frequent diners who are "upscale," educated and more likely to live in urban areas.

  • Traditional diners are the least experimental and tend to live in smaller cities. They are often older, less frequent patrons who enjoy comfort foods.

  • Health-conscious diners are more concerned about what they eat when dining out. They make food choices based on health concerns as well as specialized diets such as vegetarian, kosher and high protein/low carbohydrate.

  • Carefree diners are the opposite of health-conscious diners and want to forget about eating healthy. These consumers are typically males under the age of 50.

When it comes to eating, I'm typically in the Traditional/Carefree category, although I can be adventurous at times. I'm quick to try a new restaurant, but slow to try a new dish. My wife, on the other hand, is probably a Health-Conscious/Adventurous diner. We have complementary eating habits and tastes.

Which are you?


At 4/02/2005 1:29 PM, Anonymous Melissa said...

Being by nature very health conscious, I, of course, choose the healthy restaurant. It is important to me to look and feel my best. People at work often comment on my healthy diet and will say things like "no wonder Miss Meliss is so thin, look what she eats." My friends, though, know the ugly truth. Once inside a restaurant with plenty of healthy choices, I order crap. Sure, I could have the grilled fish with steamed vegetables, but I order the onion ring loaf, full slab of ribs, garlic bread, and cheesecake for dessert, all washed down with plenty of beer. I guess that makes me a Health-Conscious/Carefree diner, or, a hippocrite.

At 4/02/2005 4:00 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...


You're making my mouth water. Where is that? Tony Roma's? My favorite place for ribs these days is T.G.I. Friday's. Unfortunately, I had a bout of gout recently, so I'm watching my intake of beef and pork. At least for awhile, anyway. ;)

I'm glad to hear you're still thin. Can I post a picture of you from high school? If you follow the links from some of the frequent visitors to eMusings, you'll find photos on most of their blogs. It makes us all closer, I think. But I'll understand if you decline. I'm constantly torn between sharing and maintaining privacy. I'd post more shots of myself, but I don't want to scare people. ;)

At 4/03/2005 12:49 AM, Anonymous Melissa said...

I prefer Tony Roma's, but I usually go to Rattler's just because it's closer to home. I'll have to try Friday's ribs. I'm sorry to hear about the gout. I guess that means you also have to abstain from seafood and liver. Poor baby. :)
I'm astonished and flattered that you still have pictures of me from high school. Let me think about your posting them. I'm still in the closet as far as blogging is concerned. You're right that it is a struggle to balance sharing and maintaining some privacy. And, it's not just my privacy. I want to protect others, too. Not wanting to hurt or offend others, my best lines go unpublished. I suspect that you could say the same thing. Anyway, don't be so modest about your appearance. You were cute and adorable in high school.(I may sleep with dogs, but I don't date them.) It's kind of hard to tell from your itsy bitsy picture, but you look the same. Speaking for all the ladies out there, could you please publish a bigger picture of yourself? ;)

At 4/03/2005 5:30 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Rather than publish it, I'll find a recent photo and email it to you, and on request to any of my regular readers. That'll keep out the riff-raff. ;)

I publish web pages with information on various gadgets, such as R/C helicopters, Pocket PC's and other handheld computers, and a how-to on using various software. My helicopter page is so popular, a vendor in Japan copied it outright, stripped my name off of it and changed some links to point to their own website. They took it down when I complained, but it makes me think twice about what I publish, knowing that someone could copy it and try using it for commercial means.

I loved the story about that schoolteacher whose face was used for years on the Taster's Choice package without his permission. He won $15 million in the lawsuit.

At 4/12/2005 11:43 AM, Anonymous Melissa said...

So, where is your picture? I'm waiting. I sent you some photos of me so that you could see what the ravages of time have done to me. Now, it's your turn. :)

At 4/13/2005 12:22 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

You did, Melissa? I never got 'em.

Click this link for a shot of me looking tired after driving to North Hollywood for Christmas in 2003: Look Away

At 4/14/2005 12:19 AM, Anonymous Melissa said...

You're still cute, even when tired. No wonder you got your ear lobe fondled by that stranger. ;)

I'll try again to send you a recent picture of me. It's sad that I'm such an idiot when it comes to technology.

At 4/14/2005 6:23 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

What are you doing up so late, girl? :)

At 4/14/2005 7:24 PM, Anonymous Melissa said...

I work nights. What's your excuse?

At 4/14/2005 8:53 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I was a vampire in a former life. :)


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