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  Thursday, May 01, 2008

How Much Rock?

Rock Chuck

Here's a critter we'd never seen until we moved to Oregon. Now we keep an eye out for them whenever we get off the parkway at Colorado, or visit the Old Mill. Today by the offramp we saw three of these guys, and four or five deer. Then we had dinner at The Summit with some other critters.

Posted by Dave    Blog Tag: Chatter


At 5/01/2008 1:27 AM, Blogger tksinclair said...

Looks like a Marmutt (sp?)

At 5/01/2008 9:23 AM, Blogger pril said...

there's a little colony of these guys that lives on a grassy area near OIT in Klamath Falls. You almost never see them as roadkill on the highway there, either. I like them. Rockchucks, someone told me they were called.

At 5/01/2008 11:18 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Wikipedia calls them a yellow-bellied marmot but folks around here call them rock chucks.

They hibernate in winter. We just started seeing them again a few weeks ago.

How much rock could a rock chuck chuck if a rock chuck could chuck rock? :)

At 5/01/2008 9:05 PM, Blogger tksinclair said...

Would you believe we saw a yellow-bellies marmot in the Sequoia's last summer! My husband came face to face with one. I'm impressed I knew what it was! Really. I'm really impressed! (Well, I didn't say I was smart! Marmutt - Marmot!?)

At 5/02/2008 4:22 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

It's not like you're a biologist or anything. (Are you?) You can be forgiven for not remembering the spelling. Maybe that's why we just call 'em rock chucks. :)

There's a story about an expert ichthyologist who worried about how much storage his brain had. Every time he was introduced to someone and learned their name, he sighed and said, "There goes another fish I've forgotten the name of."

I feel the same way myself. It's disturbing how much useless knowledge I have crammed in this cranium, yet I can't remember where I left my keys.


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