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  Thursday, June 23, 2005

Feeding the Queue

We love Netflix. It's such a thrill every time a new movie shows up in the mailbox. With all the good TV shows now in reruns, Netflix is even more wonderful than usual. (Yes, we watch TV. I'm not too proud to admit it.)

It being rerun season, we've been whipping through our movie queue. After you've seen the movies that spring to mind, you have to keep coming up with more movies to add to your queue. Netflix helps by recommending DVDs it thinks you'd like, but I found another way to feed the queue monster.

We started with documentaries. Rivers and Tides was cool. Then, a few weeks ago, we watched the Eagles "Farewell Tour" on TV, and loved it. I realized that here was an untapped source of items to add to the queue... concert DVDs.

Simon and Garfunkel, The Concert in Central Park was great. Spurred on by this success, we tried a Sting concert filmed September 11th, which was good, but not great. Then, Carlos Santana's Supernatural. Whoa! Now that was a great concert. Incredible. Incandescent. Transcendent. Santana doesn't just play Santana, but joins with artists like Sarah McLachlan, Dave Matthews and others, melding his music with theirs. It occurred to me, watching this, that it satisfies not just his philosophy of inclusion, but it's great marketing, too. It exposes his fans to different styles of music and other artists... and it exposes his music to their fans. Smart guy, that Santana! And he rocks. Man, he rocks.

The most recent concert we watched was Sting, A Brand New Day, and that, too was excellent. So now we've started adding concert movies to the queue when we run out of movies to watch. It's great.

We also like to queue up TV shows that we miss, like Babylon 5, or Xena, Warrior Princess, or Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The only thing better than DVDs in rerun season, is when you're sick in bed and can't read. Nothing better.

Blog Tag: Chatter


At 6/23/2005 11:11 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Most of our young, chronically ill patients bring portable DVD players with them when they need to be hospitalized. It's a good way for them to stay entertained.

I like to watch TV, but I'm usually at work in the evenings. If there is something that I really want to see, I'll look to see if any patients are watching it. If so, I'll watch it with them. If I have to leave the room for awhile, I expect the patient to tell me what happened while I was gone. It's so annoying when the patient has the gall to fall asleep and miss parts of the show. Damn narcotics. :)

At 6/23/2005 11:19 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Yeah, those narcoleptics can be a real pain in

At 6/26/2005 2:42 PM, Blogger poopie said...

Yep..I've always enjoyed that about Santana. That makes him a master in my book.

At 6/26/2005 11:41 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Master. Yes. That's the term that kept springing to mind when I watched Supernatural. The way he accompanied Sarah McLachlan without intruding. Knowing when to play, when to give her space. He's a master.

Thanks for stopping by, Poopie! By the way, what do you do about snakes when you're out in the fields? Keep a dog with you? A weapon? A mongoose?


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