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  Saturday, February 11, 2006

Mmmmm... Bird Seed

We had a visitor to Chez Goodman. He seems to like the bird seed. In fact, we had four of these frisky fellers feeding from it.

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At 2/11/2006 12:09 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I thought that squirrels hibernate in the winter. Or am I thinking of bears?

At 2/11/2006 2:22 PM, Blogger Candace said...

Squirrels LOVE the sunflower seeds in the wild bird seed food. They also like the cracked corn, which is sometimes in it.

We have bird feeders and squirrel feeders at our place. We fill one squirrel feeder with pumpkin seeds. The pumpkin seeds are actually packaged specifically for squirrel consumption.

We also have a corn cob holder. Unfortunately, the new corn cob whirlygig that we just purchased was broken in the package. We were hoping to put that up. It will hold four cobs of corn at a time and challenges the squirrels to figure out how to get at them while they whirl around a central hub.

Most of our squirrel feeders, by the way, are somewhat squirrel-proofed. I say somewhat, because they sometimes launch themselves on to one and make it drop to the ground in the process. This is very effective, since it sometimes completely breaks the feeder and usually scatters bird seed all over the ground.

I purchased one bird feeder thinking that it was so well-manufactured and would definitely keep the squirrels out of it. The squirrels thought differently and promptly gnawed through the protective plastic cover on the top. Ha! Think again.

We have several Phoebes --- a type of North American flycatcher --- that hunt flies in our front and back yards. The day before yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised to see one in the front yard using our bird bath as I had hoped to see it a bird bath. It's the first time that I've seen a bird bathe in one of our bird baths in all of the years that we've owned bird baths. Most of the little sparrows prefer dust baths, thank you.

At 2/11/2006 2:55 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

AAwwwww, how adorable! We don't have squirrels here, although we have enough possums to make up for them!

At 2/11/2006 3:12 PM, Blogger gemmak said...

I don't know if it's the same over there but here they are considered vermin and manufacturers go to great lengths to make 'squirrel proof' bird feeders!

At 2/12/2006 11:42 AM, Blogger Candace said...

Though they are a member of the rodent family, we consider the squirrels who frequent our front and back yards to be members of a travelling circus more than anything else. We certainly don't consider them to be pests.

One year we had a couple of "squirrelly" young brothers who decided that the front yard was their personal playground. They did somersaults while holding on to each other, back flips, grasshopper jumps, antelope leaps, ring around the apricot trees, follow the leader, catch me if you can. Their imagination was endless.

When it comes to the squirrels around our place, I would have to say that the bird seed is relatively inexpensive; the entertainment is priceless.


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