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  Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Can You Walk on Water?

We have lots of trails in Central Oregon. We have trails for hikers, trails for bicyclists, trails for horses. We have trails across the desert, trails through the woods, trails across lava. And now, there's talk of a trail in the Deschutes River. Not along it, in it.

The trail would be for kayakers. By designating it an official trail, it can be listed on maps, indicated by signs and have its entries and exits maintained.

The fact is, navigable waters are trails. Ask any Native American. I've just never seen a trail in the water before. It makes sense, but it's unexpected to me. I like it when I encounter a fresh perspective that makes sense and makes you look anew at what you thought you knew.

Blog Tag: News


At 6/08/2006 2:59 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

I think that's a great idea. I wish they'd produce something similar here :)

At 6/08/2006 7:35 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I think it's strange that airplanes have to follow trails. They can't travel the most direct route, but have to stick to the established trails, even over the ocean.


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