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  Thursday, June 01, 2006

Rachael Ray of Sunshine

Rachael Ray is the perky hostess of a Food Network show called $40 a Day. In each episode she travels to a different city and tries to eat well while spending less than $40 in one day.

My wife and I now have a standing joke. Whenever Rachael goes to take her first bite of something, one of us will ask, "Do you think she'll like it?"

On the Late Show with David Letterman they have a game called "Will it Float?" David and band leader Paul Schaeffer guess whether the night's random object will sink or float when they drop it in a tank of water. Sometimes it's pretty obvious which will occur, and sometimes you're surprised at the outcome. Sometimes it sinks, sometimes it floats, sometimes it floats but eventually sinks.

And so you'd expect with Rachael Ray. When she tries a meal at an eatery, what are the odds that she'll like what she gets? This is the game we play.

The joke is that she always likes it, accompanied by grunts of gastronomic orgasm. We have yet to see her take a bite, grimace, and say, "Ewww, this sucks!" Instead, it's either "mmmmmm" or "Yum-O!"

So here you have a cute girl who likes to eat cheap and is easily pleased. Her husband's a lucky guy.

Blog Tag: Chatter


At 6/02/2006 12:52 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Yeah, but he has to listen to her never ending chirpy chatter. Have you ever spent time around someone who is in their manic phase? I'm not saying that she's bipolar, but that is what she is like, but without the crash phase. It's exhausting being around someone who is so hyper and enthusiatic all of the time.

Sorry, I know that you like perkiness. Have you seen her web site with its naughty photos? ;)

At 6/02/2006 7:18 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Naughty photos? What naughty photos? Where? Where? ;)

You're right, endless chirpy chatter would drive me up a wall. I guess that's why guys like remote controls. ;)

At 6/02/2006 12:59 PM, Blogger Candace said...

Did someone say endless chirpy chatter?

Hold on one dern minute! I resemble that remark!

Or was that last week?

Well, better bipolar than bicephalous.

Then again, my analyst told me . . .

At 6/11/2006 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what is the site that has naughty pics of rachael ray, melissa???>??


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