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  Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Many Visitors

Last night we had a visitor. Uninvited.

This morning, when I went out to feed the fish, it was unnaturally quiet. Or, I suppose, naturally quiet, since what was silent was the waterfall by the pond that I'd installed myself. On inspection, I determined that something had pulled the hose out of the filter, so the water was now being pumped through the filter back into the pond, instead of up to the waterfall to drain into the pond.

Adding insult to injury, the predator had knocked over and chomped on several of the pond plants. Fortunately, all the fish are intact. They somehow evaded its clutches, whatever it is. I suspect raccoon.

I cleaned and repaired the filter, and now there is once again the lovely unnaturally natural sound of water falling into the pond.

After lunch, Connie summoned me to the back window. A pair of quail were escorting about a dozen baby quail around our backyard planter where I'd spread dove and quail food. The babies were smaller than my fist. Two meals and a tray of appetizers.

Blog Tag: Chatter


At 8/23/2006 5:51 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Where are the pictures of the uncooked (live) quail?

At 8/23/2006 6:57 PM, Blogger Wendy said...

Watch those quail. They have severe psychological problems that cause them to fling themselves into the grilles of moving cars causing flurries of feathers just like in cartoons. It's not fun to pick quail chunks out of car grilles.

At 8/23/2006 10:18 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

The quail are camera shy. One of these days I'll get a good shot of them for you, Lisa.

Funny, I've never seen suicidal quail. They tend to post a sentry up high that warns them of approaching threats, and they don't seem to fly much, they skitter off the road as soon as they see me. And I'm careful.

Chipmunks are also pretty nervous and nimble and scram when they see me.

Squirrels and other birds, however, seem to have some kind of hazing ritual requiring that they run into the road, or fly across it at my approach. It's like, "Okay, Larry, here comes one now. See if you can make it!"

I've been lucky so far and avoided any impact to the grill. *fingers crossed* :)


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